Information evening for parents-to-be

Dear parents-to-be,
we would like to welcome you to our information event for expectant parents in preparation for the delivery of your new family member.
We understand that birth is a personal, life-changing event and our team is dedicated to proving the highest quality of care and making this a memorable experience for you and your family. Our Nurses, Midwives, and Obstetricians are here to support you throughout your birth experience. This evening is your chance to meet our staff, to see our rooms and to get informed about our offers available.
A positive birth experience is very important and our staff can provide you with information for pain relief during the delivery.
You are very welcome to bring a person of your choice to join you.
In closing, whatever your obstetrical needs, we are committed to ensuring the best care possible for you and your baby. Please know that we are excited to be part of your pregnancy.
This evening will be free and starts at 6.00 pm in the “Foyer” at the main entrance.
Dr. med. Rainer Wieth
Senior physician Dr. med. Anett Buchheim-Zieb
Head midwife Nicole Hennig
Please register! Participation is unfortunately not possible without prior registration.
Datum & Uhrzeit
DRK Kliniken Berlin Köpenick
Foyer at the main entrance
Salvador-Allende-Straße 2 – 8
Haupteingang (Eingang Nord): Müggelschlößchenweg
12559 Berlin
Dr. med. Anett Buchheim-Zieb
Telefon: (030) 3035 - 3326
DRK Kliniken Berlin Köpenick
Patienten, Angehörige, Interessierte
Bitte melden Sie sich an! Ohne vorherige Anmeldung ist eine Teilnahme leider nicht möglich.